Tag Archives: muslimadvertising

What’s Your Online Marketing Mix for Your Halal Business?

Do you have an online marketing mix for your Muslim Audience? If you do, congratulations, you have the fundamentals of a successful halal business in place. If you don’t, it’s OK. Stick around and let me help you create one. Your online marketing mix for your Muslim business will help you shape every element of […]

How to Run a Successful Digital Marketing Campaign to Muslim Consumers

Marketing to Muslims is not the enigma it used to be. Many business owners and marketers understand the basics and the dos and don’ts on a high level. The problem is execution, it’s not always what it should be. The result is a half-baked cookie that crumbles as soon as it’s out of the oven. […]

TikTok Introduces Marketing Partner Program For Advertisers – Is it Suitable for Muslim Businesses?

As a Muslim business owner or a marketer working for a Muslim business, you must engage your audience where they hang out. It is however never the case that all platforms where your audiences hang out are engagement-friendly.  For a long time TikTok was the kind of platform where it was hard to engage audiences […]

The One Reason Every Brand is Failing to Capitalize on the Muslim Consumer Market Effectively

According to the State of the Global Islamic Economy Report 2018/19 in 2017, the global halal economy reached $2.1 trillion and is expected to reach $3 trillion in 2023. With the internet becoming more accessible in Muslim homes, Muslim consumers’ shopping is shifting drastically from traditional in-store shopping to online shopping. Moreover, online shopping is […]

7 Things to Remember When Your Marketing Efforts Resume After Ramadan and the COVID-19 Lockdown

Now that Ramadan has come to a conclusion, we want to use it as a springboard towards a better you and me. This is true for both our personal life and the way we run our business. Over the course of the COVID-19 lockdown and Ramadan, we created several blog posts ranging from how to […]

6 Things MAN is Doing During a COVID-19 Impacted Ramadan Which You Can Do Too

This Ramadan, in the midst of the pandemic, is unlike any other Ramadan. No, not in a doom and gloom way. It’s quite the opposite of that. It is a Ramadan of opportunity for us to accept the test from Allah and rise up to the occasion. Here are six things we are doing at […]

14 Tips When Shutting Down Your Business Due to the COVID-19 Crisis for a Quick Bounce Back

So it has finally come to this. You have no choice but to close your business and wait out the COVID-19 crisis. All is not lost, this is just temporary. Shutting down a business temporarily is a process. You need to make sure you do it the right way so that when things get better […]

Your Business After the COVID-19 Pandemic: Going Through The 4 Phases

Here at Muslim Ad Network, we care about you and your business. We are still offering free online advertising to help your business cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. I figured we are now in a situation where you, my dear reader, are not interested in some generic, actionable blog post. If we are to offer […]

3 Tips for Marketing to Muslims and Not Get The Cold Shoulder

At the time of writing this post, Ramadan is just around the corner. Businesses, both Muslim-owned and not, know that this is a time when a large part of the population will be more prone to buying stuff. Yes, it is a time of spirituality and prayer, but it is also a time of festivity […]

50% More Sales Via Your Display Ads? Do This

Isn’t it frustrating to see all that traffic coming to your website yet only a fraction end up buying? Well, it shouldn’t be. Think about it; do you always buy the first time you visit a website? Like never, right? Your website visitors are the same. What’s even scarier is that 88% of people who […]