Category Archives: Internet Advertising

Cultural Sensitivity Meets Strategy: A CMO’s Journey to Muslim Market Dominance Part 1

Disclaimer: The character of Emily Chang is fictional and created for the purpose of this blog post. Her story is designed to provide an illustrative and pragmatic approach to understanding the strategies and challenges faced by CMOs in penetrating the Muslim market. Emily Chang: Exploring the Untapped Potential and Challenges of the Muslim Market Meet […]

Why Your Last Eid Campaign Flopped: 5 Ways to Make the Next One Spectacular

Introduction: The Bitter Aftertaste of Failure So your last Eid campaign gave you a sour taste – like overcooked biryani. But fear not! We’ve dissected our mistakes, marinated in insights, and cooked up a recipe for success. It’s never too early to lick your wounds and strategize for next year, Let’s dive into the spices […]

What Do Different AIs Think of Your Brand? Insights for Businesses Targeting Muslim Consumers

In the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, brands need to understand how different AI systems perceive and evaluate them. This is particularly crucial for businesses targeting niche markets like Muslim consumers, where cultural sensitivity and alignment with values play significant roles. Here’s a comprehensive look at how different AIs might assess your brand and why […]

Why Gen Z Muslims Are Turning to Social Media Over Google for Searches

In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift in how young Muslims, particularly those in Gen Z, conduct online searches. Instead of relying on traditional search engines like Google, many are turning to social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram for information and discovery. This trend is part of a broader movement among […]

Google Ads Evolution: A Roadmap for Muslim Audience Engagement

Google Ads is undergoing significant transformations in 2024, bringing a wave of new features and enhancements driven by AI and automation. These changes present both opportunities and challenges, especially for brands targeting Muslim audiences. Understanding and leveraging these updates can position your brand for greater success in the digital advertising landscape. Let’s dive into the […]

At Risk of Missing Out on the $3 Trillion Muslim Market During Peak Season Again?

“In 2018, the State of the Global Islamic Economy Report 2018/19 reported that in 2017, the global Islamic economy reached $2.1 trillion and is expected to reach $3 trillion in 2023.” Yet today many mainstream businesses still have no formal plan of entering the Muslim market. In 2016, Tabish Hasan, Chief Executive of Muslim Ad […]

Muslim Consumers and Voice Search – What You Need to Know

Voice is the New Extension If you are old enough, you may remember your first experience using the mouse for your computer. With the mouse in your hand, you no longer need to keep pressing the “enter/return” button over and over again. And although the first mouse felt like you were holding a brick in […]

Targeting Muslim Consumers? Audio Advertising Offers High Conversion and Recall Rate

Audio advertising is a new rising star of online advertising that every brand that’s targeting Muslim consumers must consider very strongly. Since 2020 there has been a 42% rise in global podcast listening. This has largely contributed to the rise in audio advertising. According to the U.S. Podcast Advertising Revenue Study for 2020, U.S. podcast […]

Answering 3 Questions Most Muslim Publishers Ask About Google AdSense

Muslim Ad Network’s very existence came about because Tabish Hasan – CEO at MAN – owned a couple of popular Muslim websites, and wanted to monetize traffic through advertisements. He was not satisfied with the existing options such as Google AdSense as they did not take Islamic advertising principles into consideration. For instance, the existing […]

Advertising to Muslims Online in 2024 After Third Party Cookies Disappear

Third-party cookies are disappearing due to recent changes from Google, Apple, Firefox and others. But why is this happening? And what does this mean for marketers, publishers, and advertisers? Let’s take a look. What’s a Third-Party Cookie? Simply put, a third-party cookie is created by third-party domains that are not the website that your target […]