Category Archives: social media

Why Your Last Eid Campaign Flopped: 5 Ways to Make the Next One Spectacular

Introduction: The Bitter Aftertaste of Failure So your last Eid campaign gave you a sour taste – like overcooked biryani. But fear not! We’ve dissected our mistakes, marinated in insights, and cooked up a recipe for success. It’s never too early to lick your wounds and strategize for next year, Let’s dive into the spices […]

What Do Different AIs Think of Your Brand? Insights for Businesses Targeting Muslim Consumers

In the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, brands need to understand how different AI systems perceive and evaluate them. This is particularly crucial for businesses targeting niche markets like Muslim consumers, where cultural sensitivity and alignment with values play significant roles. Here’s a comprehensive look at how different AIs might assess your brand and why […]

Why Gen Z Muslims Are Turning to Social Media Over Google for Searches

In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift in how young Muslims, particularly those in Gen Z, conduct online searches. Instead of relying on traditional search engines like Google, many are turning to social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram for information and discovery. This trend is part of a broader movement among […]

Leveraging AI for an Impactful Social Media Strategy to Reach Muslim Consumers

In today’s digital age, social media has become an indispensable tool for businesses seeking to connect with diverse audiences. For halal brands and mainstream companies aiming to engage with Muslim consumers, understanding this audience’s unique preferences and cultural sensitivities is paramount. Fortunately, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) offer invaluable opportunities to tailor social media strategies […]

3 Reputable Reports on Social Media Decline Halal Brands Must Know About

Teenage Social Media Preferences in 2023 In an ever-changing digital landscape, insights from a recent Pew Research report titled “Teens, Social Media and Technology 2023” shed light on the current trends among U.S. teenagers aged 13 to 17. Despite ongoing concerns about the impact of social media on the younger generation, the report highlights the […]

5 Social Media Trends Muslim Brands Should Prioritize for 2024

Given the ever-evolving nature of the digital landscape, it is challenging to know with absolute certainty the forthcoming developments in social media trends within the next three years. Nonetheless, there are certain trends expected to persist or surface in the coming years, with relevance to Muslim consumers as part of the larger consumer population in 2024.

Should Your Halal Business be on Meta Threads?

The key for Muslim businesses and entrepreneurs in becoming successful is staying on top of the marketing and social media trends and changes. One of the biggest players to keep an eye on is Meta which owns WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and now Meta Threads. We take a look at Meta Threads and whether you should […]

Deinfluencing and Your Muslim Brand

In a social media u-turn, one of the most popular trends dominating attention on TikTok encourages users to stop spending too much. Users are being urged, by a new generation of influencers, to practice sustainability and abstain from passing fashion trends.

How to Find the Right Influencers for Your Halal Brand

Why Your Halal Brand Needs Influencers According to Influencer Marketing Hub, influencer marketing is getting broader each day, “…new influencer categories like financial influencers (finfluencers), skincare influencers (skinfluencers), and pet influencers (petfluencers) are emerging.”  Moreover, “…influencers begin to venture into other categories outside their original niche. For instance, beauty influencers have also covered other areas […]