Monthly Archives: August 2020

What You Must Know About Islamic Advertising Principles

One of the most important things in a Muslim’s life is not going about business as usual while being ignorant of his or her Creator’s rules and regulations. This is true for all his or her actions, including the business they run, and that would include how he or she advertises and promotes his or […]

The One Reason Every Brand is Failing to Capitalize on the Muslim Consumer Market Effectively

According to the State of the Global Islamic Economy Report 2018/19 in 2017, the global halal economy reached $2.1 trillion and is expected to reach $3 trillion in 2023. With the internet becoming more accessible in Muslim homes, Muslim consumers’ shopping is shifting drastically from traditional in-store shopping to online shopping. Moreover, online shopping is […]

7 Hard Truths You Will Face When Targeting Muslim Audiences

Today I want to take you through the realities of owning a business that targets Muslim audiences. In order to validate what I am communicating, I will be quoting three business owners who I had the pleasure of interviewing around March 2020. 1) Having the Right Motivation and Intention If you are starting out on […]

How to Not Mess Up Your Ad Placements

As a Muslim business owner, you are wary of where your ads will be placed. As an advertiser, you do not want to have your ads placed on websites that do not comply with Islamic norms. That’s why most of you have chosen to work with Muslim Ad Network. However, ad placement can also go […]