Catering to Enhanced Muslim Consumer Groups in a Post-Pandemic World

Muslim consumer

New Attitudes, New Personas

At Muslim Ad Network we have been informing our readers and advising them about the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic and how to cope with it as a business.

Experts have spoken about how the pandemic has changed consumer behavior drastically and permanently. Now a study by Microsoft Advertising reveals new consumer attitudes that Muslim-friendly brands should be aware of too.

Microsoft Advertising categorizes four new buyer personas based on the shift in consumer attitude brought about by the pandemic:

  • Luxury Shoppers
  • Digital Nomads
  • Empowered Activists
  • Self-Care Enthusiasts

You might also want to look at: How to Influence the 3 Types of Online Muslim Consumers

The Luxury Goods Consumer

Luxury shoppers are known to be primarily in-store customers since luxury products are of high value. However, due to store closures during the pandemic, more online options were made available to this group of consumers.

Despite the fact that brick-and-mortar locations have reopened, most luxury shoppers now prefer online shopping due to greater variety and choice. This signifies a permanent consumer behavior shift.

Source: 2021 Luxury Shopping Study, Microsoft Advertising, J. Randolph

Microsoft Advertising’s survey was based on the following products:

  • Handbags, Leather Goods & Accessories
  • Clothing & Apparel
  • Watches & Jewelry
  • Cosmetics, Makeup & Perfumes

Tip: If you offer a halal or Muslim-friendly version of any of these products then make sure that you boost your online advertising to the Muslim segment of your audience.

Disclaimer: A fifth category was mentioned but we will not be mentioning it since it is not permissible in Islam.

The Digital Nomad Consumer

The pandemic has created a world in which remote work has become mainstream.

Some employees have shifted back to the workplace, while others choose to remain remote or hybrid. The percentage of remote and hybrid employees is much larger than it was pre-pandemic—as of June 2021, 30 percent of employees considered themselves hybrid employees, and 35 percent of employees reported working remotely.

Source: 2021 REMOTE WORK STATISTICS The State of Remote Work

Within the remote-worker audience, you find the location-independent individuals who work while traveling. This behavior has become so common that an entire industry is popping up.

… an increasing number of people may be embracing the digital nomad lifestyle – and not just young workers posing under palm trees. Globally, the rise of a large, new group of traveling, remote workers is one of the prevailing narratives about a Covid-19-reformed work world.

Source: Is the great digital-nomad workforce actually coming?,

Digital nomads use online research across product categories probably more than any other consumer group. Think about it; they’re regularly looking for housing and transportation as well as the needs that go along with life on the road. Mobile devices play a major role in their day-to-day life. 

Tip: Your Muslim-friendly brand should find ways to cater to Muslim digital nomads through halal products and services such as travel products, grocery, dining, housing, and more.

The Activist Consumer

Nobody put it better than George Nguyen; editor at Third Door Media when he said:

This audience votes with their wallet, purchasing primarily from brands that align with their ethics and values, which might include stances on the environment, diversity, and/or small business brands. Marketing messages that resonate with their beliefs are more likely to have an impact on this group. They’re also more likely to be interested in and search for political, environmental, and/or social issues.

At Muslim Ad Network we have constantly reiterated that there is a growing pressure on brands to speak up for social justice coming from protestors, customers, and employees. 

Tip: Given the fact that Muslims view good ethics and social justice as part of their daily life due to religious obligations, standing up for something must be part of your branding. Especially today when this has now become a mainstream issue.

Self-Care Consumer 

Thanks to the anxiety of the pandemic, the duress of the lockdowns, and uncertainty from the political and social bedlam, consumers have turned to self-care for relief. This includes mental and physical health becoming a priority for this group of consumers.

According to GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK) and Ipsos Group S.A.:

The pandemic has caused people across Europe to pay closer attention to their health, symptoms of illness, and to adopt new behaviors to minimize the risk of transmission – such as more regular handwashing, which is widely recognized as one of the most effective ways to reduce the spread of the virus.

Source: COVID-19 prompts increased focus on self-care

Jurate Švarcaite, Director-General of The Association of the European Self-Medication Industry (AESGP) explains:

…self-care and prevention have led to a ‘huge increase’ in demand for digital health information within the European Union. Almost all of us have been online at the beginning of the pandemic checking our symptoms.

Tip: If you deal with self-care products, you may already know that many Muslims do not feel comfortable using disinfectants that have alcohol as an ingredient. This is just one possibility that you may explore to increase revenues.

In Conclusion

It is a simple equation: more consumers are spending more time online, this includes those who are Muslims. You already know that during normal circumstances reaching and converting Muslims online is already complex enough.

If you want to ride the post-pandemic wave for Muslim consumer advertising, it’s going to take thorough planning and the best partner for advertising to Muslims online.

start targeting muslim consumers

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